Wednesday, March 18, 2009

7 1/2 habits - what works for me, what doesn't

I think that the habit I find both easiest and hardest to follow is #2 - Accept responsibility for your own learning.

I constantly battle myself between keeping active and being lazy. The same goes for my intellectual pursuits - I enjoy engaging in new subjects and learning new things, but I also tend to fall into my comfort zone and try to stay there, reading and investigating subjects with which I'm already familiar. Reader suggestions and programs like this help me to overcome blocks like this.

Learning r great!

I hate the word 'blog'

Late to the game, but onward & upward! This is the blog I've set up to record & track my progress on TCCL's '23 Things' self-guided Web 2.0 program. I helped with the legwork to get the program up and running!

I'm looking forward to digging into a lot of this technology. Much of it I'm already familiar with, but I know there's plenty that I've never touched, and having worked with the committee to get this up & running I also know that there is much about what I think I know that I just don't know. Yet. If that makes sense. It did in my head.
